By now we know how to code a compartmental model. We also know what an SIR model is and what are its main building blocks. In this exercise we will build on our previous code to construct a fully dynamic SIR model.

1. Building an SIR model

Case study: a new virus X2021 has been identified in your town and is currently causing an outbreak. You have been commissioned by WHO to provide modelling projections to have a broad idea of the potential size of this outbreak. The ongoing epidemiological investigation have identified the following facts that might guide you in your model development:

1) The virus transmits from human to human via micro droplets from the respiratory tract.

2) Once infection is established infected individuals remain infectious for an average period of 6 days

3) From a previous outbreak of X2021 in a neighboring town we know that the CFR is ~15%

4) No known factors have been identified for increased susceptibility in any particular population group

5) From the same previous outbreak, an infection rate of 0.5 per day (CI95% 0.3 to 0.6) has been estimated Task: Using the code below (from our previous session) build an SIR model that reflects the case above and try to answer the following questions, providing a :

1)	When do we expect the X2021 outbreak to peak (in days) ?
2)	How many people do we expect to get infected at the end of the outbreak?
3)	Can you provide a range for the final size of the epidemic (number infected)  and the expected peak (in days) based in the uncertainty around the infection rate?

Note: Copy the code below into your R Studio session. Try to fill the gaps marked with ??

rm(list = ls())
# Population size:
N <- 1000
# Initial conditions
initial_state_values <- c(
  S = N-1,
  I = 1,
  R = 0,
  M = 0)           
# Parameter values per day
  CFR<- ?? # <---------------------- FIll the gap
  gamma <- ?? # Recovery rate # <---------------------- FIll the gap
  beta <- ??  # infection rate # <---------------------- FIll the gap
  mu <- ?? ## # <---------------------- FIll the gap
  parameters <- c(beta, gamma, mu)
times <- seq(from = 0, to = 150, by = 1)   # from 0 to 365 days in daily intervals
sir_model <- function(time, state, parameters) {  
  with(as.list(c(state, parameters)), {     
    # Calculating the total population size N (the sum of the number of people in each compartment)
    N <- S+I+R
    # Calculating the FOI
    #How can we define the force of infection? #
    lambda <- ??  #   <---------------------- FIll the gap
      # The differential equations
      dS <-  - lambda * S # can you write the differential equation for S? 
      dI <- lambda * S - I*(gamma+mu)     
    dR <- gamma * I
    dM <- I*mu
    return(list(c(dS, dI, dR, dM))) 
# MODEL OUTPUT (solving the differential equations):
# Solving the differential equations using the ode integration algorithm
output <- = initial_state_values, 
                            times = times, 
                            func = sir_model,
                            parms = parameters))
# turn output data set into long format
output_long <- melt(, id = "time")                 
# Plot the number of people in the S, I and R compartments over time
ggplot(data = output_long,                                               # specify object containing data to plot
       aes(x = time, y = value, colour = variable, group = variable)) +  # assign columns to axes and groups
  geom_line(size=2) +                                                          # represent data as lines
  xlab("Time (days)")+                                                   # add label for x axis
  ylab("Number") +                                                       # add label for y axis
  labs(colour = "Compartment",                                           # add legend title  
       title = "SIR model")    
# Plot the proportion of individuals 
output2_long<- output_long
# Plot the proportion of people in the S, I and R compartments over time
ggplot(data = output2_long,                                               # specify object containing data to plot
       aes(x = time, y = value, colour = variable, group = variable)) +  # assign columns to axes and groups
  geom_line(size=2) +                                                          # represent data as lines
  xlab("Time (days)")+                                                   # add label for x axis
  ylab("Number") +                                                       # add label for y axis
  labs(colour = "Compartment",                                           # add legend title  
       title = "SIR model")   

Analysis of SIR assumptions

Think about the main assumptions and concepts reviewed in our lesson and try to answer:

1) Why is the homogeneous assumption of risk of infection a simplification and what factors can affect this? What are potential sources of heterogeneity?

2) What factors might affect our assumption of a homogeneous p across the population?