Short course on modelling infectious disease dynamics in R / June 2023, Ankara


  • New Lecture is up: Day 4 Lecture 3: Assessing model uncertainty and calibration [slides]
  • New Lecture is up: Day 4 Lecture 2: Introduction to stochastic models session 2 [slides]
  • New Lecture is up: Day 4 Lecture 1: Introduction to stochastic models session 1 [slides]
  • New Lecture is up: Day 3 Lecture 2: Understanding epidemic phases with an SIR model [slides]
  • New Lecture is up: Day 3 Lecture 1: The SIR model [slides]
  • New Lecture is up: Day 2 Lecture 2: Basic concepts of compartmental models [slides]
  • New Lecture is up: Day 2 Lecture 1: Introduction to modelling infectious diseases [slides]

Course Description

Training course on modelling infectious disease dynamics for public health specialists. The course covers the basics of R, principles of mathematical epidemiology applied to infectious diseases, introduction to modelling compartmental models and other analytical methods in R for assesing outbreaks and public health interventions

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Course evaluation

At the end of the course, please take five minutes to leave your feedback and impressions. Follow the link here: Evaluation form
